Returning Alumnae
Founder's Day
Sunday, October 13
KKGenius Scholarship
KKG Foundation Scholarship Application Checklist
Pay Dues
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Example text with info icon
Tooltips are handled by the Bootstrap Native JavaScript plugin bundled into main.js. Any element with data-toggle="tooltip" will be initialized automatically.
You can set the content for a tooltip by setting the data-original-title attribute. If you use HTML in the tooltip content, be sure to encode special characters like the HTML angle brackets.
<button href="#" type="button" class="tooltip-btn ml-1" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" data-original-title="Tooltip content goes here. <strong>Bold</strong> and <em>italics</em> and other simple HTML are supported."> <icon class="icon icon-info-circle"></icon> </button>
Developer Note: We use bootstrap.native-loader to enable specific Bootstrap Native modules and save on file size. If you should ever need to load more modules, you can find the list in the package.json file for this project. Look for:
use: { loader: 'bootstrap.native-loader', options: { only: ['dropdown','collapse', 'tab', 'tooltip'] } }
Further options and documentation are available at the Bootstrap Native site.